There are multiple species of fish pokemon in existence, with some being much rarer than others. Fish pokemon are the most common type of Pokemon, with over 500 species recorded!
The popular Pokemon, Magikarp, is a fish pokemon defined by its ability to jump out of the water and splash around.
Water pokemon are weak against both electric and grass-element pokemon types within the pokemon universe.
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What level does Magikarp evolve ?
Magikarp is a Water-type Pokémon. It evolves into Gyarados starting at level 20. It can Mega Evolve into Mega Gyarados using the Gyaradosite.
In the Pokémon universe, Magikarp is among the weakest Pokémon since it can only splash around.
However, it can use Splash to cause big waves, which can be deadly in water battles. It specializes in jumping, and its speed increases as it jumps.
Because it can’t swim against even slow-moving currents, it can’t move in the water. Magikarp is famous for being very hard to catch.
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How many types of fish are there in Pokemon?
As of the 6 generations, there are 334 types of fish pokemon. There are 23 types of water pokemon and 311 types of sea pokemon.
In addition to this, there are 50 types of Pokemon with the ability to swim and 19 that can breathe underwater.
Even some pokemon can “walk” on water, such as the Lapras.
There is a range of ways that different fish evolve into different types of Pokemon. Let’s compare and contrast the different types of fish that can evolve into Pokemon.
what is the best fish pokemon ?
There are many best fish pokemon to be caught and trained in the world of Pokemon. Here is a list of the 10 best fish pokemon, based on their strength, abilities, and overall popularity.
1 Alomomola pink fish pokemon

Alomomola is a Water-type Pokémon that can evolve into Momoswine when leveled up. alomomola is a pink fish pokemon with pink scales and a pink tail.
It has a unique appearance, and its scales are rubbery so that they can protect it from harsh hits. However, alomomola scales are extremely sensitive, and any sized touch can cause pain because of the pain receptors.
alomomola needs to be touched very delicately and needs to be touched with the softest touch. alomomola is a very intelligent pokemon and can be taught simple tricks.
Its brain is extraordinarily advanced, and its brain is enormous compared to its skull.
2 Horsea blue fish pokemon

Horsea is a blue water-type pokemon that can evolve into a seahorse during its third level in the game. It evolves into Seadra at level 32 and then into Kingdra at 48.
It is a small fish Pokemon with no arms. It has a bluefin on its back and a pink body and tail.
It is a very small Pokémon, and the only members of its family are its evolutions.
It is found in the water.
The misty water of the sea is its habitat. Sometimes, it swims to the surface of the water and jumps out to ambush prey. It can open its mouth in an instant to capture its prey. It is a carnivore and loves meat.
3 Eelektross electric fish pokemon

Eelektross is electric-type Pokemon and lives in areas with thunderstorms. eelektross evolves from joltik at level 24.
Their bodies are covered in electricity-generating hair, and they store their electricity in their tails, which they use to attack prey or store electricity for later. Eelektross can also absorb electricity from thunderstorms.
If you are looking to catch an Eelektross in the wild, it can most commonly be found at the thunderstorm-prone Vermillion City and occasionally at Route 15.
If you are looking to catch an Eelektross in the wild, you can try using the special red-banded lure, which will prove irresistible to them.
4 Tynamo white fish pokemon

Tynamo is a Pokemon that was introduced in Generation 3. The name Tynamo is based on the Japanese word for sword. Many people claim that Tynamo is a weak Pokemon because of its low stats and bad typing, but Tynamo can be a perfect Pokemon
Tynamo is an excellent fighting type pokemon that is one of the best.
Tynamo is very fast and can shoot electric-type moves making it a threat to any pokemon. Tynamo evolves from awnfish at level 33. Tynamo learns thunder and water pulse as well as other moves
5 Remoraid green fish pokemon

Remoraid is a Water-type Pokémon. Remoraid is most commonly known for shooting water from its guns.
Remoraid is a crafty Pokémon. It makes the water inside its body bubble. It does this to threaten its foes.
The bubble concentrates and becomes like a laser beam. It makes a popping sound when it appears. It is a very rare Pokémon. It can be found in the sea.
Tentacool and Tentacruel are the same types, while they are not cousins, they are both Pokémon of the sea.
6 bruxish purple fish pokemon

A bruxish is a type of Pokémon in the Kalos region. It is a Water and Psychic-type Pokémon. It evolves from Braymin when exposed to a Shiny Stone.
A male with a sword-like horn and a swordtail. Used to defend its territory from other bruxish and hunt for prey.
A female with a large, rounded, ribbon-like tail. It is used to attract a male for breeding.
It is a Water and Psychic-type Pokémon that is 10 centimeters tall and weighs 66.5 kilograms. It can learn Water Gun, Psychic, and Swords Dance.
7 Magikarp

Magikarp is a species of fish plays Pokemon. It evolves into Gyarados at level 20. Magikarp is a very weak Pokemon.
It is often a stepping stone to evolve into a stronger Pokemon. It has very low health, attack, and speed.
It is one of the most well-known Pokemon due to the fact that it is often the first Pokemon trainers get. The first move Magikarp learns is Splash.
Magikarp is a fish Pokemon. Once it evolves into Gyarados, it becomes one of the strongest Pokemon. It has the highest health, attack, and speed of all the Pokemon. It also learns moves like Hydro Pump, which gives it even more power.
8 Shiny milotic

shiny milotic is a water pokemon with a light blue body and evolves from Feebas. When it evolves, it gets longer, and its tail starts to shine.
It can confirm the report. The shiny milotic has a pink body and white fins. To evolve a milotic into a shiny milotic, you must go to the waterfall in the middle of Sinnoh.
Take your starter pokemon and go through the waterfall. At the end of it, you will find a small pond with a shiny milotic.
The shiny milotic is a more robust version of the normal milotic. It will learn the move Draco meteor instead of recover or refresh.
It can be a male or female shiny milotic. It is a rare pokemon to find. Special Pokemon like it help people find out information about their starter pokemon. Shiny Milotic learns Hydro Pump and Aqua Ring at level 50, but it just isn’t that useful.
Milotic is highly vulnerable to virtually every major attack in platinum, and as such, it should be used only if you don’t want a shiny Gyarados. In which case, it’s a pretty good pokemon to use.
9 Relicanth pokemon

The Relicanth is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.
Relicanth is a Pokémon that resembles a fish skeleton. Its body is mainly black, with a white belly.
It has a clavicle and small bones on its back and upper arms. It has two pectoral fins and two pelvic fins and a dorsal fin that may be a tattered remnant of a dorsal fin.
It has small eyes and a small, round, pink mouth. Its dorsal fin is large and has markings that resemble the letter “S” written vertically.
It also has a pattern of shaded stripes on its back that resembles an angry face.
10 Sharpedo pokemon

The Sharpedo family of pokémon consists mostly of water pokémon, but Sharpedo himself is a Dark and Fighting-type. Of the Sharpedo family of Pokémon.
Sharpedo has the highest attack stat and the highest speed, although it has the lowest defense stat of all the Sharpedo family of pokémon.
It is a pike Pokémon that can be found in the waters off the coast of Hoenn. It has a round body, with a long fin running down its back and smaller fins on its belly and tail.
It has two pairs of sharp fangs that protrude from its upper jaw with a similar pair of teeth in its lower jaw.
It has a redfin, with a black spot at the end for about as long as its body. It also has a small tail fin.
This is still a good type of pokémon to have, as it can deal a lot of damage to other types of pokémon while taking less damage while still avoiding moves that don’t hit the dark type.
There are multiple species of fish pokemon in existence in the Pokemon, with some being much rarer than others. Fish pokemon are the most common type of Pokemon, with over 500 species recorded. We hope you enjoyed our list of the best fish pokemon.
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