Sports anime is a genre of Japanese manga and anime that focuses on stories involving sports and other athletic and competitive pursuits. It is a part of the larger genres of manga and anime and is similar to the North American genre of comic books. Many people are under the impression that anime sports was […]
Top 10 Best 90s Old Cartoons Of All Time
There’s something about watching old cartoons that takes us back to our childhood. It is hard to make time for your kids in today’s busy world. With complicated schedules and a world that moves very fast. Cartoons are a huge part of American culture and have been around for as long as anyone can remember. […]
Top 10 Best American Anime Series Ever 2022
American anime has a rich history of animation, producing some of the most iconic and well-loved series globally. Japan is known for making highly successful animated series. Many popular western animations were influenced by anime. The reason is Japanese anime has always been successful, even when it’s tried to break away from its category. American […]